Ankorstore Dealer Shop

Together with Ankorstore we have realized our dealer shop for you!
What speaks for a registration at Ankorstore?

  1. Ankorstore is a B2B marketplace, established in 2019, which combines authentic brands and thousands of products with your business. A great opportunity, especially for yet "undigitalized" retailers. The mission is to support the local trade.
  2. Are you looking for new brands and products for your business? Ankorstore presents an inspiring and targeted selection. Join and benefit from 3% discount on payment within 10 days. Otherwise you will receive 60 days term of payment. In this way you gain additional liquidity.
  3. A simplified purchase process: With the so-called "Multishop Checkout", for example, a retailer can buy 20 brands in a shopping cart and confirm the order with one click. The "MultiShop Checkout" avoids to conclude up to 20 contracts. This is much faster and more efficient. In addition, we only make instant orders, so that what is on the website is available immediately.
  4. A low minimum order quantity: To give you flexibility, all brands on the platform have a minimum order quantity of only 100 Euros. From a cross-brand purchasing purchase value of 300 Euros the shipping is free. 
Register at and benefit from a large brand selection, fast delivery and good service.
Payment after 60 days
or 3% discount
€100 Minimum order value

Free Shipping
from € 300

Click here for the Stahlkrone dealer shop! Click here for the Razolution dealer shop!